Developer Resource
Cross-EVM/Substrate Token Transfers
Handling cross-system token transfers between Substrate and EVM can be complex. Address mappings play a crucial role in facilitating these transfers. While we provide
- Alice only has an account on Tangle EVM using the Metamask wallet.
- Bob has an account on Tangle using the Polkadot.js wallet, and another account on Tangle EVM using the Metamask wallet.
- Charlie only has an account on Tangle using the Polkadot.js wallet.
Assigned values:
- Alice's account:
- Bob's accounts:
- Charlie's account:
Address Mapping Explanation
Address mappings between Substrate and EVM are one-way transformations that facilitate token transfers between the two systems.
- Substrate to EVM: When a Substrate address is converted to an EVM address, the resulting EVM address can be used to receive tokens on the EVM side. The conversion involves extracting and hashing a part of the Substrate address, providing a unique EVM address corresponding to the original Substrate address.
- EVM to Substrate: Once tokens are sent to the EVM address, the recipient can interact with the Substrate network by calling the
function. This allows the recipient to withdraw tokens from the EVM environment back to the Substrate environment.
Key Points:
- The conversion is a one-way mapping from Substrate to EVM.
- The resulting EVM address is a hash of part of the Substrate address.
- Tokens can be received on the EVM side using the EVM address.
- The
function facilitates the transfer of tokens back to the Substrate side.
Convert Substrate Address to EVM
To convert a Substrate address to an EVM address, the following script can be used:
import { decodeAddress } from "";
import { u8aToHex } from "";
const input = Deno.args[0];
if (!input) {
console.error("usage: deno run substrateToEvm.ts <SUBSTRATE_ADDRESS_HERE>");
const accountId = decodeAddress(input);
const res = accountId.subarray(0, 20);
const output = u8aToHex(res);
console.log({ input, output });
// run using:
// $ deno run substrateToEvm.ts <SUBSTRATE_ADDRESS_HERE>
The script takes a Substrate address as input, decodes it, and then extracts the first 20 bytes of the account ID. These 20 bytes are then converted into a hexadecimal string, resulting in an EVM-compatible address.
Convert EVM Address to Substrate
Here is an example using the Deno Runtime and @polkadot/util to convert an address from EVM to Substrate:
You can also use this convenient tool:
EVM to Tangle Address Converter
Enter an EVM address to convert it to the prefixed form unique to Tangle Network. To convert an SS58 address to a public key or other networks, you can use
Learn more about Addresses on Tangle.
import {
} from "";
import {
} from "";
const input = Deno.args[0];
if (!input) {
console.error("usage: deno run evmToSubstrate.ts <ETH_ADDRESS_HERE>");
const addr = hexToU8a(input);
const data = stringToU8a("evm:");
const res = blake2AsU8a(u8aConcat(data, addr));
const output = encodeAddress(res, 42);
console.log({ input, output });
// run using:
// $ deno run evmToSubstrate.ts <ETH_ADDRESS_HERE>
Case 1: Sending from Substrate to EVM
Bob wants to send 100 TNT to Alice, but he does not have the 100 TNT on his EVM account in Metamask. Therefore, he uses his Tangle account in the Polkadot.js wallet.
- Alice's address is
. - Bob converts Alice's address to a substrate address using the
// => 5C9ysBsWKpw3D8MFaEauFgdtMPqboS64YNYHyu1rCynLyKMZ
- Bob sends the 100 TNT to
. - Alice receives the 100 TNT in her Metamask wallet.
Case 2: Sending from EVM to Substrate
Alice wants to send 50 TNT to Charlie. However, Charlie only has a Substrate account that he controls in his Polkadot.js wallet.
- Charlie's address is
. - Alice converts Charlie's address to an EVM address using the
// => 0x90b5ab205c6974c9ea841be688864633dc9ca8a3
- Alice uses her Metamask and sends 50 TNT to
. - Charlie's balance on Substrate remains the same!
Because: Charlie needs to withdraw the balance from his EVM account.
- Charlie goes to Polkadot.js and calls:
evm.withdraw("0x90b5ab205c6974c9ea841be688864633dc9ca8a3", 50 TNT)
. - Charlie sees that he has now received 50 TNT in his account.