Tangle Blueprint CLI
Eigenlayer AVSs

Eigenlayer CLI Commands

Our CLI provides commands for deploying and running Eigenlayer AVSs. We have two templates for quickly creating an AVS: the BLS template and the ECDSA template.

For a step-by-step example of using the BLS template, see Deploying an Eigenlayer AVS.

Blueprint Commands

The blueprint commands allow you to create, deploy, and run Eigenlayer AVS services.

Create a New AVS Project

cargo tangle blueprint create -n <NAME> --eigenlayer [BLS|ECDSA]

Create Options

  • -n, --name <NAME>: Name of your AVS project
  • --eigenlayer: Specify either BLS or ECDSA variant

Deploy AVS Contracts

cargo tangle blueprint deploy eigenlayer [OPTIONS]

Deploy Options

  • --rpc-url <URL>: HTTP RPC endpoint to connect to (required unless --devnet is used)
  • --contracts-path <PATH>: Path to your contracts directory (defaults to "./contracts")
  • --ordered-deployment: Deploy contracts in an interactive ordered manner (if omitted, deploys as they are found)
  • -w, --network <NETWORK>: Network to deploy to (local, testnet, mainnet) [default: local]
  • --devnet: Start a local devnet using Anvil (only valid with --network local)
  • -k, --keystore-path <PATH>: Path to your keystore (defaults to ./keystore)

Run AVS Service

cargo tangle blueprint run [OPTIONS]

Run Options

  • -p, --protocol eigenlayer: Specify Eigenlayer protocol
  • -u, --rpc-url <URL>: HTTP RPC endpoint URL (required)
  • -k, --keystore-path <PATH>: Path to the keystore (defaults to ./keystore)
  • -b, --binary-path <PATH>: Path to the AVS binary (optional, will build if not provided)
  • -w, --network <NETWORK>: Network to connect to (local, testnet, mainnet)
  • -d, --data-dir <PATH>: Data directory path (defaults to ./data)
  • -n, --bootnodes <NODES>: Optional bootnodes to connect to
  • -f, --settings-file <PATH>: Path to the protocol settings env file (defaults to ./settings.env)

Required Environment Variables for Eigenlayer

The following environment variables must be set in your settings.env file:

  • REGISTRY_COORDINATOR_ADDRESS: Address of the Registry Coordinator contract
  • OPERATOR_STATE_RETRIEVER_ADDRESS: Address of the Operator State Retriever contract
  • DELEGATION_MANAGER_ADDRESS: Address of the Delegation Manager contract
  • SERVICE_MANAGER_ADDRESS: Address of the Service Manager contract
  • STAKE_REGISTRY_ADDRESS: Address of the Stake Registry contract
  • STRATEGY_MANAGER_ADDRESS: Address of the Strategy Manager contract
  • AVS_DIRECTORY_ADDRESS: Address of the AVS Directory contract
  • REWARDS_COORDINATOR_ADDRESS: Address of the Rewards Coordinator contract

Example Workflow

  1. Create a New AVS Project

    cargo tangle blueprint create -n my-avs --eigenlayer bls
  2. Build Your AVS

    cargo build --release
  3. Deploy Contracts

    # Deploy to local devnet
    cargo tangle blueprint deploy eigenlayer \
      --devnet \
    # Or deploy to testnet
    cargo tangle blueprint deploy eigenlayer \
      --network testnet \
      --rpc-url <YOUR_RPC_URL> \
  4. Run Your Service

    cargo tangle blueprint run \
      -p eigenlayer \
      -u <YOUR_RPC_URL>


Common issues and solutions:

  1. Deployment Failures

    • Verify RPC endpoint is accessible
    • Ensure correct network is specified (local, testnet, mainnet)
    • Check contract constructor arguments
    • Verify sufficient funds for deployment
  2. Service Issues

    • Check settings.env file contains all required contract addresses
    • Verify contract addresses are correct for the chosen network
    • Ensure binary is built with correct features
    • Check network connectivity and RPC endpoint accessibility