Use Cases

Use Cases

Tangle Network enables developers to rapidly build and deploy secure multi-party services through our Blueprint system. Blueprints are reusable templates that can be instantly deployed as live services backed by Tangle's decentralized operator network.

Advanced Capabilities

The Blueprint SDK supports building complex distributed systems. Jump to a section:

Distributed Validator Infrasturcutre

Distributed validators are useful for building secure and redundant validator operations. Usually, the core signing functionality is distributed using threshold signature schemes and distributed key generations, allowing multiple operators to participate as a single validator in a consensus system.

Tangle Network provides a perfect infrastructure for building and launching distributed validator clusters for various networks as well as launching dApps on top of them for liquid staking and restaking applications.

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Multi-Party Computation (MPC)

Threshold signatures as a service

Signatures are pervasive in the design of blockchain bridges, oracles, and custody solutions. Tangle Network offers signature schemes as a service using threshold cryptography, enabling developers to build private and non-private cross-chain applications.

FROST Threshold Signatures



The FROST Blueprint demonstrates how to implement threshold signatures using the FROST protocol on Tangle Network. FROST (opens in a new tab) is a protocol for generating threshold Schnorr signatures. This example showcases:

  • Distributed key generation between operators
  • Threshold signature creation
  • Verification of signatures

Tangle currently supports several Threshold signature schemes:

DfnsCGGMP21Secp256k1ECDSA threshold signature scheme on the secp256k1 curve
DfnsCGGMP21Secp256r1ECDSA threshold signature scheme on the secp256r1 curve
DfnsCGGMP21StarkECDSA threshold signature scheme for StarkNet
SilentShardDKLS23Secp256k1Silent shard-based threshold signature scheme on secp256k1
ZcashFrostP256FROST threshold signature scheme on the P-256 curve
ZcashFrostP384FROST threshold signature scheme on the P-384 curve
ZcashFrostSecp256k1FROST threshold signature scheme on the secp256k1 curve
ZcashFrostEd25519FROST threshold signature scheme on the Ed25519 curve
ZcashFrostEd448FROST threshold signature scheme on the Ed448 curve
ZcashFrostRistretto255FROST threshold signature scheme on the Ristretto255 group
GennaroDKGBls381BLS threshold signature scheme on the BLS12-381 curve

Use cases for MPC services include bridges, oracles, interoperable shielded pools, and social and identity bridges.

Distributed Randomness Generation

Tangle Network enables building distributed random number generation (DRNG) services using threshold BLS signatures. With Tangle Blueprints, developers can build reusable templates to deploy secure, unbiasable, and publicly verifiable random beacons.

A common DRNG protocol works by having operators collectively generate randomness in rounds:

  1. Operators first run a distributed key generation to create a shared public key
  2. In each round, operators generate partial BLS signatures using their key shares
  3. These signatures are combined into a threshold signature that serves as the random value
  4. Values can be chained (incorporating previous signatures) or unchained (independent per round)

The BLS signature scheme ensures the randomness is verifiable and cannot be manipulated by a minority of malicious operators. The Blueprint provides a complete implementation including operator registration, randomness generation, and verification.

Zero-knowledge Proof Generation Services

Zero-knowledge proof generation is critical for maintaining privacy and implementation of complex cryptographic protocols within decentralized applications. Developers can build and deploy zero-knowledge proof generation services allowing users to access proof generation functionality directly through the Tangle Network. This allows developers to outsource the computationally expensive tasks to a privacy-preserving infrastructure.

zkSNARKs as a Service (MPC based zkSaaS)

zkSaaS is an implementation of a threshold protocol that leverages secure multi-party computation (MPC) to generate zero-knowledge SNARKs in a distributed way. Based on academic research, it uses a (t,N)-threshold protocol that can tolerate up to t corruptions out of N nodes, where t is typically N/4. The protocol distributes the core computations of the zero-knowledge prover across multiple nodes, enabling secure and decentralized proof generation. The current implementation supports Groth16 proofs with plans to expand to other proving systems.

Tangle has built a proof of concept for a privacy-preserving MPC based zkSaaS that enables secure distributed proof generation. The implementation currently supports Groth16 proofs with plans to expand to other proving systems.



Interoperability Services

Leverage Tangle's Blueprint SDK to build bridge deployment and interoperability templates that allow customers to launch bridges and cross-chain services between new and existing crypto networks. These templates can monetize the usage, deploy with a decentralized and secure operator set, and leverage quality of service guarantees to ensure the solution's availability and uptime.

Hyperlane bridges as a Service



Hyperlane's modular bridge stack makes it easy to deploy and manage bridges between different EVM and other compatible blockchains. It is a permissionless protocol, meaning any developer can deploy it, operate it, and design ways to monetize it. This makes it a perfect candidate for a Blueprint service that can be deployed and reusably instanced on Tangle.

The Tangle Network provides a template repository for building Hyperlane Bridge Blueprints. This template includes:

  • A complete Hyperlane Warp Route Blueprint implementation
  • Example deployment scripts and configuration
  • Integration with the Tangle Blueprint Manager
  • Documentation and guides for customization

The template allows developers to:

  1. Deploy custom Warp Routes between any Hyperlane-supported chains
  2. Configure custom token mappings and bridge parameters
  3. Monetize bridge usage through fees
  4. Leverage Tangle's operator network for secure bridge operation
  5. Customize security parameters and operator requirements

LayerZero Decentralized Verifier and Executor Networks

LayerZero allows developers to build decentralized verifier and executor networks that can be used to verify and execute transactions across different blockchains. Tangle Blueprints can provide reusable templates for deploying DVNs and custom Executors for any compatible chain.

Tangle provides template repositories for building LayerZero DVN and Executor Blueprints:

These templates include:

  • Complete DVN and Executor Blueprint implementations
  • Example deployment scripts and configuration
  • Integration with the Tangle Blueprint Manager
  • Documentation and guides for customization

The templates allow developers to:

  1. Create custom DVNs and Executors for any LayerZero-supported chain
  2. Configure verification and execution parameters
  3. Monetize usage through fees
  4. Leverage Tangle's operator network for secure operation
  5. Customize security parameters and operator requirements

AI Agent Services

Tangle Network enables developers to build and deploy AI agent services that can be used to provide inference over various models and datasets.

Gaia AI Agent



The Gaia AI Agent Blueprint provides a comprehensive template for building and deploying AI agent services on Tangle Network. This Blueprint enables developers to create secure, decentralized AI services with the following key features:

  • Fully-featured AI agent node with integrated configuration management
  • Dynamic model and dataset management through on-chain governance
  • REST API server with:
    • Real-time chat interface for natural language interactions
    • Image generation and editing capabilities powered by stable diffusion models
    • Ability to integrate rate limiting, access control, and authentication
  • Seamless integration with Tangle's operator network for decentralized execution
  • Built-in monetization through configurable usage fees
  • Extensive documentation and deployment guides

Future Service Categories

We're exploring the development of new privacy technologies and AVS categories for the future:

  • Bridges, oracles, prover networks
  • Data storage and availability for privacy applications
  • Private information retrieval as a service
  • Threshold decryption as a service
  • Sequencing as a service
  • Randomness beacons
  • zkTLS as a service
  • Distributed validators as a service
  • Reach out to propose more! (opens in a new tab)