EVM Precompiles
Utility Precompiles
Non-Network Specific Precompiles

Non-Network Specific Precompiled Smart Contracts


A precompiled contract, or precompile, is a set of programmed functionalities hard-coded into the blockchain client. Precompiles perform computationally heavy tasks, such as cryptographic processes like hashing. Moving these functionalities to the blockchain client serves the dual purpose of making the computation more efficient than using a traditional smart contract and ensuring everyone has access to the complete and accurate set of processes and algorithms required to operate correctly.

Precompile functionality is bundled and shared under a smart contract address, which allows interactions similar to those of a traditional smart contract. Some precompiled contracts are not specific to Ethereum or Tangle, but are supported for use in your Tangle-based application.

The nonspecific precompiles currently included in this category include StorageCleaner, ECRecoverPublicKey, and SHA3FIPS256.

In the next section, you will learn more about the functionalities included in these precompiles.

Clear Storage Entries with StorageCleaner

The primary function of the StorageCleaner precompile is to clear storage entry key-value pairs for a smart contract marked as self-destructed, previously referred to as "suicided." StorageCleaner includes functionality to iterate over a list of addresses to identify self-destructed contracts and delete the appropriate storage entries associated with identified addresses. You can also input a numeric limit to prevent the precompile from consuming too much gas.

With the implementation of EIP-6780: SELFDESTRUCT (opens in a new tab) as part of the Ethereum Cancun/Dencun upgrade, contracts can only be self-destructed in the same transaction where they are created. This limitation keeps storage entries small and allows them to be automatically deleted during destruction. The StorageCleaner precompile remains available when a legacy contract needs storage entries cleared.

Retrieve a Public Key with ECRecoverPublicKey

The primary function of the ECRecoverPublicKey precompile is to recover the public key used to create a digital signature from a given message hash and signature. This precompile is similar to ECRecover (opens in a new tab), with the exception of returning the public key of the account that signed the message rather than the account address.

In the following sections, you will learn how to use the ECRecoverPublicKey precompile.

Checking Prerequisites

The versions used in this example are v20.15.0 (Node.js) and 10.7.0 (npm). You will also need to install the Web3 (opens in a new tab) package by executing:

npm install --save web3

To verify the installed version of Web3, you can use the ls command:

npm ls web3

This example uses version 4.11.1. You will also use Remix (opens in a new tab), connecting it to the Tangle Testnet via MetaMask.

Interfaces and Apps


Block Explorers

Substrate Block

Asset Details

Native Asset SymbolTNT
Native Asset Decimals18

Developer Resources

Address Prefix
Network TypeSubstrate aka Polkadot SDK with EVM
Chain ID
Standard Account*25519
Public RPC URL
Public WSS URL
Public WSS URL by Dwellir
Runtime Types@tangle-network/tangle-substrate-types

Retrieve Transaction Signature Values

To use the ECRecoverPublicKey precompile, you must first sign a message to create and retrieve the message hash and transaction signature values (v, r, s) to pass as arguments in the contract call. Always use security best practices when handling private keys.

Create a new file called signMessage.js in your project directory:

touch signMessage.js

Open signMessage.js in your code editor and add the following script to initialize Web3 with the Tangle Testnet, sign and hash the message, and return the signature values:

// Example script to sign a message using an account on Tangle Testnet
const { Web3 } = require('web3');
// Provider
const web3 = new Web3('');
// Address and Private Key
const address = '0x6Be02d1d3665660d22FF9624b7BE0551ee1Ac91b';
const pk1 = '99B3C12287537E38C90A9219D4CB074A89A16E9CDB20BF85728EBD97C343E342';
const msg = web3.utils.sha3('supercalifragilisticexpialidocious');
async function signMessage(pk) {
  try {
    // Sign and get Signed Message
    const smsg = await web3.eth.accounts.sign(msg, pk);
  } catch (error) {

Return to your terminal command line to run the script with this command:

node signMessage.js

A typical output for the code above may look like the following:

  message: '0xc2ae6711c7a897c75140343cde1cbdba96ebbd756f5914fde5c12fadf002ec97',
  messageHash: '0xc51dac836bc7841a01c4b631fa620904fc8724d7f9f1d3c420f0e02adf229d50',
  v: '0x1b',
  r: '0x44287513919034a471a7dc2b2ed121f95984ae23b20f9637ba8dff471b6719ef',
  s: '0x7d7dc30309a3baffbfd9342b97d0e804092c0aeb5821319aa732bc09146eafb4',
  signature: '0x44287513919034a471a7dc2b2ed121f95984ae23b20f9637ba8dff471b6719ef7d7dc30309a3baffbfd9342b97d0e804092c0aeb5821319aa732bc09146eafb41b'

Save these values as you will need them in the next section.

Test ECRecoverPublicKey Contract

You can now visit Remix (opens in a new tab) to test the precompiled contract. Note that you could also use the Web3.js library, but in this case, you can go to Remix to ensure it is using the precompiled contract on the blockchain. The Solidity code you can use to retrieve the public key is the following:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity >=0.8.2 <0.9.0;
contract RecoverPublicKey {
    function recoverPublicKey(
        bytes32 hash,
        uint8 v,
        bytes32 r,
        bytes32 s
    ) public view returns (bytes memory) {
        address precompileAddress = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000402;
        (bool success, bytes memory publicKey) = precompileAddress.staticcall(
        require(success, "ECRecoverPublicKey failed");
        return publicKey;

Using the Remix compiler and deployment, and with MetaMask pointing to Tangle Testnet, you can deploy the contract and call the recoverPublicKey() method. It returns the public key for the account that signed the message. You can then use this public key value for other cryptographic functions and verifications.

Create a Hash with SHA3FIPS256

SHA3-256 is part of the SHA-3 family of cryptographic hashes codified in FIPS202 (opens in a new tab) that produces an output 256 bits in length. Although the name is similar to SHA256, the SHA-3 family is built with an entirely different algorithm and accordingly produces a different hash output than SHA256 for the same input. You can verify this yourself using this SHA3-256 Hash Calculator tool (opens in a new tab). After calculating the SHA3-256 output, change the algorithm in the drop-down selector to SHA256 and take note of the resulting output.

Currently, there is no SHA3-256 support in Solidity, so it needs to be called with inline assembly. The following sample code can be used to call this precompile on Tangle.

pragma solidity ^0.7.0;
contract Precompiles {
    function sha3fips(bytes memory data) public view returns (bytes32) {
        bytes32[1] memory h;
        assembly {
            if iszero(
                staticcall(not(0), 0x400, add(data, 32), mload(data), h, 32)
            ) {
        return h[0];

Using Remix (opens in a new tab) with MetaMask pointing to Tangle Testnet, you can deploy the contract and call the sha3fips(bytes memory data) method to return the encoded string of the data parameter.