Using the P2P Networking Utilities
To spin up a P2P network, following two methods are provided on GadgetConfiguration
Here's an example of how to spin up a P2P network and send messages to it.
use blueprint_sdk::networking::service_handle::NetworkServiceHandle;
use blueprint_sdk::networking::InstanceMsgPublicKey;
fn example_usage(config: GadgetConfiguration) -> Result<(), GadgetError> {
let allowed_keys: HashSet<InstanceMsgPublicKey> = /* ... */;
// Create the `NetworkConfig` based on the `GadgetConfiguration`
let network_config = config.libp2p_network_config("my/protocol/1.0.0")?;
// Start up the network, getting a handle back
let network_handle = config.libp2p_start_network(network_config, allowed_keys)?;
// Use the handle to receive p2p messages from the network
loop {
if let Some(msg) = network_handle.next_protocol_message() {
println!("Received message: {:?}", msg);
// Use the handle to send p2p messages to the network
let p2p_routing = MessageRouting {
/// Unique identifier for this message
message_id: 1,
/// The round/sequence number this message belongs to
round_id: 1,
/// The sender's information
sender: ParticipantInfo {
/// The public key of the sender
public_key: InstanceMsgPublicKey(/* ... */),
/// The address of the sender
address: /* ... */
/// Recipient information for direct messages
recipient: Some(ParticipantInfo {
public_key: InstanceMsgPublicKey(/* ... */),
address: /* ... */
network_handle.send(p2p_routing, /* ...some bytes (Vec<u8>)... */);
// Send gossip messages to the network
let gossip_routing = MessageRouting {
message_id: 1,
round_id: 1,
sender: ParticipantInfo {
public_key: InstanceMsgPublicKey(/* ... */),
address: /* ... */
recipient: None,
network_handle.send(gossip_routing, /* ...some bytes (Vec<u8>)... */);
Integrating Networking with Service contexts
The P2P networking utilities can be integrated into service contexts to manage network state and handle messages. It exposes an interface for you to send messages to other peers of your service as well as gossip messages to the entire network of service instance operators.
Context Constructor
Create a context that you can pass into your jobs and background services.
/// The context holds necessary information for the service to run.
#[derive(Clone, KeystoreContext, TangleClientContext, ServicesContext)]
pub struct BlsContext {
pub config: GadgetConfiguration,
pub call_id: Option<u64>,
pub network_backend: NetworkServiceHandle,
pub store: Arc<LocalDatabase<BlsState>>,
pub identity: sp_core::ecdsa::Pair,
// Core context management implementation
impl BlsContext {
/// Creates a new service context with the provided configuration
/// # Errors
/// Returns an error if:
/// - Network initialization fails
/// - Configuration is invalid
pub async fn new(config: GadgetConfiguration) -> Result<Self> {
let operator_keys: HashSet<InstanceMsgPublicKey> = config
.map(|key| InstanceMsgPublicKey(*key))
let network_config = config.libp2p_network_config(NETWORK_PROTOCOL)?;
let identity = network_config.instance_key_pair.0.clone();
let network_backend = config.libp2p_start_network(network_config, operator_keys)?;
let keystore_dir = PathBuf::from(&config.keystore_uri).join("bls.json");
let store = Arc::new(LocalDatabase::open(keystore_dir));
Ok(Self {
call_id: None,
Round Based Job
is a library for building structure round based protocols (opens in a new tab), especially MPC protocols. There are a variety of benefits to structuring your protocol in this way and it can streamline the separation between networking and protocol logic.
To leverage a round-based
protocol that handles sending, receiving, and processing messages use the RoundBasedNetworkAdapter
available from the SDK and in the gadget-networking-round-based-extension
id = 0,
listener = TangleEventListener<BlsContext, JobCalled>,
pre_processor = services_pre_processor,
post_processor = services_post_processor,
pub async fn keygen(t: u16, context: BlsContext) -> Result<Vec<u8>, GadgetError> {
// Get configuration and compute deterministic values
let blueprint_id = context
.map_err(|e| KeygenError::ContextError(e.to_string()))?;
let call_id = context
.map_err(|e| KeygenError::ContextError(e.to_string()))?;
// Setup party information
let (i, operators) = context
.map_err(|e| KeygenError::ContextError(e.to_string()))?;
let parties: HashMap<u16, InstanceMsgPublicKey> = operators
.map(|(j, (_, ecdsa))| (j as PartyIndex, InstanceMsgPublicKey(ecdsa)))
let n = parties.len() as u16;
let i = i as u16;
// Create a new round based network adapter
let network = RoundBasedNetworkAdapter::<KeygenMsg>::new(
// Create a new round based party
let party = round_based::party::MpcParty::connected(network);
// Run the keygen protocol
let output = crate::keygen_state_machine::bls_keygen_protocol(party, i, t, n, call_id).await?;