Network Parameters

Network Parameters

This page outlines the key parameters and attributes of the Tangle network. Please note that some of these values may be subject to change via on-chain governance. For the most up-to-date and accurate values, it is recommended to check the constants directly by inspecting the chain state (opens in a new tab) and/or storage (opens in a new tab).

Fee Structure

  • Dust (small, uneconomical to track amounts) is burned.
  • Fees are split as follows:
    • 80% goes to the treasury
    • 20% goes to the block author (validator)
  • 100% of tips go to block authors, similar to gas fees on other networks.

Epoch and Era Durations

Slot6 seconds
Epoch4 hours
Session4 hours
Era24 hours

Block Time

The Tangle network targets a 6-second block time.


  • The total minimum deposit for a governance proposal is PREIMAGE_DEPOSIT + DEMO_MINIMUM_DEPOSIT = 100 + 1000 + (preimage byte fee) > 1100.


TNT has 18 decimal places.