Understanding Tangle for Developers

Developer Introduction to Tangle Network

Tangle Network is an innovative blockchain platform that empowers developers to build cutting-edge applications with advanced privacy features and distributed trust. By leveraging multi-party computation (MPC) and zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs), Tangle Network provides a secure and scalable infrastructure for developing blockchain solutions across various domains, including custody, oracles, and bridges.

Key Features and Services

Threshold Signature as a Service (TSSaaS)

Tangle Network offers Threshold Signature as a Service (TSSaaS), which enables developers to integrate threshold signature schemes into their applications. Threshold signatures enhance security by distributing the signing authority across multiple parties, eliminating single points of failure. This service is particularly useful for wallet infrastructure, custody solutions, and managing digital assets securely.

Proof Generation as a Service (ZKSaaS)

Tangle Network provides Proof Generation as a Service (ZKSaaS), allowing developers to access zero-knowledge proof generation functionality directly through the network's infrastructure. ZKPs are critical for maintaining privacy and implementing complex cryptographic protocols within decentralized applications. With ZKSaaS, developers can easily integrate privacy-preserving features into their applications without the need for extensive cryptographic expertise.

Benefits of MPC

Tangle Network leverages multi-party computation (MPC) to provide a range of benefits for developers and organizations:

  • Protection of sensitive data
  • Distributed model for enhanced security
  • Removal of single points of failure
  • Compliance with data sharing restrictions
  • Protection against malicious parties and attacks
  • Enhanced trust and security for users

Protocol Extensions and Customization

Tangle Network allows developers to extend and customize the protocol to suit their specific application requirements. Some of the possibilities include:

  • Adding new threshold signature schemes like ECDSA, Schnorr, BLS, and FROST
  • Integrating fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) solutions for secure computation on encrypted data
  • Incorporating randomness beacons for unbiased randomness in cryptographic protocols
  • Integrating federated learning protocols for privacy-preserving AI and ML model training
  • Developing general MPC compiler infrastructure to simplify the creation of secure multi-party applications

Getting Started

To get started with Tangle Network, developers can explore the open-source repositories available on GitHub. Some of the key repositories include:

  • tangle: The main repository of Tangle Network, built on Substrate, which powers cross-chain and zero-knowledge application development.
  • gadget: A common platform for MPC gadgets, allowing peers to query the blockchain for job information and perform cooperative work based on on-chain jobs.
  • zk-SaaS: Rust implementation of the zkSaaS protocol, leveraging secure multi-party computation to generate zkSNARKs.

Developers can also refer to the comprehensive documentation and join the vibrant community of builders to enhance their understanding of Tangle Network and contribute to the development of privacy-centric cloud solutions.