
Hyperlane Deployments

Hyperlane is a protocol for seamless cross-chain communication and interoperability, enabling decentralized applications (dApps) to operate across multiple blockchain networks. It features interchain messaging and routing for secure data transmission. Learn more on the Hyperlane GitHub (opens in a new tab) and explore its documentation (opens in a new tab).

Mainnet Deployment Contracts

Below are the addresses for the various contracts deployed on the mainnet for Hyperlane. You can view each contract on our Blockscout Mainnet Explorer (opens in a new tab).

Contract NameAddress
Aggregation Hook0xDC995884ec53b6Bc809ed614f5E92084600002ed (opens in a new tab)
Domain Routing ISM0xaDc0cB48E8DB81855A930C0C1165ea3dCe4Ba5C7 (opens in a new tab)
Domain Routing ISM Factory0x1052eF3419f26Bec74Ed7CEf4a4FA6812Bc09908 (opens in a new tab)
Fallback Routing Hook0xd21192429df453021e896f2897Dc8B1167DD61E5 (opens in a new tab)
Interchain Account ISM0x45285463352c53a481e882cD5E2AF2E25BBdAd0D (opens in a new tab)
Interchain Account Router0x67F36550b73B731e5b2FC44E4F8f250d89c87bD6 (opens in a new tab)
Interchain Gas Paymaster0x9844aFFaBE17c37F791ff99ABa58B0FbB75e22AF (opens in a new tab)
Interchain Security Module0x336306ADB3c510A318107c01D109D2072c7abB6B (opens in a new tab)
Mailbox0x2f2aFaE1139Ce54feFC03593FeE8AB2aDF4a85A7 (opens in a new tab)
Merkle Tree Hook0xF5da68b2577EF5C0A0D98aA2a58483a68C2f232a (opens in a new tab)
Pausable Hook0x61594D2cA900C44ab51d07776465397FefC643C6 (opens in a new tab)
Pausable ISM0x5d69BC38eF3eDb491c0b7186BEc4eC45c4013f93 (opens in a new tab)
Protocol Fee0x4E55aDA3ef1942049EA43E904EB01F4A0a9c39bd (opens in a new tab)
Proxy Admin0x0761b0827849abbf7b0cC09CE14e1C93D87f5004 (opens in a new tab)
Static Aggregation Hook Factory0xEb9FcFDC9EfDC17c1EC5E1dc085B98485da213D6 (opens in a new tab)
Static Aggregation ISM0xB0525d808721426c56377469B92db16857384deF (opens in a new tab)
Static Aggregation ISM Factory0x8F7454AC98228f3504Bb91eA3D8Adafe6406110A (opens in a new tab)
Static Merkle Root Multisig ISM Factory0x2C1FAbEcd7bFBdEBF27CcdB67baADB38b6Df90fC (opens in a new tab)
Static Merkle Root Weighted Multisig ISM Factory0x148CF67B8A242c1360bb2C93fCe203EC4d4f9B56 (opens in a new tab)
Static Message ID Multisig ISM Factory0x8b83fefd896fAa52057798f6426E9f0B080FCCcE (opens in a new tab)
Static Message ID Weighted Multisig ISM Factory0xcd849e612Aaa138f03698C3Edb42a34117BFF631 (opens in a new tab)
Storage Gas Oracle0x7b2e996742fA42d223652A344252B725D1bC428C (opens in a new tab)
Test Recipient0x2c61Cda929e4e2174cb10cd8e2724A9ceaD62E67 (opens in a new tab)
Timelock Controller0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 (opens in a new tab)
Validator Announce0x062200d92dF6bB7bA89Ce4D6800110450f94784e (opens in a new tab)

Testnet Deployment Contracts

Below are the addresses for the various contracts deployed on the testnet for Hyperlane. You can view each contract on our Blockscout Testnet Explorer (opens in a new tab).

Contract NameAddress
Domain Routing ISM Factory0x89dC5328147BA17aF9feb76DbEdb1182916f2438 (opens in a new tab)
Interchain Account ISM0xa464A27Db7Dd67651681147b8bb22eFfA2e7FC76 (opens in a new tab)
Interchain Account Router0xF26bd3FDF7D84a9A2800fF6e992E7075f5dBA6C0 (opens in a new tab)
Mailbox0x0096a17ff0a55D35DfE9D98BEA2104Ff7b830E23 (opens in a new tab)
Proxy Admin0xC40785D391dcC7Cf77ba7C54f0C8cF8F60877B14 (opens in a new tab)
Static Aggregation Hook Factory0xB2A23781c75F06767d8F8BAe382d78f989C492c6 (opens in a new tab)
Static Aggregation ISM Factory0x6BB99502D4867aA401E337315D24fdc3f783388D (opens in a new tab)
Static Merkle Root Multisig ISM Factory0xcFCC8EdE6aBf99EcDE0C818DA7357f7206DE08e9 (opens in a new tab)
Static Merkle Root Weighted Multisig ISM Factory0x380d7E7b20E5Df5893a44E2328732fF1a9525818 (opens in a new tab)
Static Message ID Multisig ISM Factory0x315480F385d416c0723FbE2858c7b8Dd7b03A9B4 (opens in a new tab)
Static Message ID Weighted Multisig ISM Factory0x6245cdDe964B65d9ee2a40f802cBd88842205C61 (opens in a new tab)
Test Recipient0x384d44f775A5f273d6c8e2A3740A8238598f1557 (opens in a new tab)
Validator Announce0x24F4d9fF532B05844e6c984107899d944812540B (opens in a new tab)